Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Replace the Mind in it Entirety-
we think about learning something new our ordinary expectation is that we
will be accumulating new ideas and concepts to add to already established
ideas and concepts that we have accumulated over time and are used by us as
foundations for truths of our world. More often than not we find it to be
fun to learn new things; the excitement and anticipation of children
starting a new school year comes to mind. There is nothing wrong with that
expectation of accumulating knowledge as it has been perhaps the most
important tool for advancing the progress and success of our species in its
occupation of just about every environments niche on the Planet.
Why then, we might ask, should we replace our mind, containing all of those often hard earned truths of the world, in its entirety? After all many of them are favorites that we are very fond of and use as foundations for all sorts of other truths.
I will suggest two very good reasons for pondering:
The state of our mind becomes the state and truth of our world and many human minds are no longer finding joy in that state. For that reason the powerful self-centered imagination is hastened to return to its place of manufacture, the original parental consciousness at the heart and core of our minds and be upgraded to the even more powerful state of a self-centered imagination that knows and understands the truth of its origin.
The creative freedom of the autonomous self-centered imagination makes it capable of both good and evil and our original parental consciousness supports both of those conditions indiscriminately. Unfortunately, without the knowledge and understanding of the true origin of the mind the self-centered imagination has a hard time distinguishing between what is good for all as opposed to what is imagined to be good for the self alone. To repair that unintentional problem all of the self-centered imaginations of the world are hastened to return to their original pristine condition, their factory settings, so that they can upgraded and returned to play in a world of joyous play for all equally.
State and Truth of Our Mind | Good and Evil Indiscriminately Supported | A Graphic Representation of Return |