March 9, 1888 Everything that Occurs - The Original Parental Consciousness Indiscriminately Supports Everything
"Sah, sah, everything that occurs is what I make happen. There is good and there is bad from the standpoint of human beings. You distinguish good and bad on the basis of your own thought. I make the bad thrive, thrive. Ponder over the bad from the standpoint of the good."
This instruction raises two very important questions:
First: How do we ordinarily tell the difference between the standpoint of the bad and the standpoint of the good?
According to this instruction we perhaps routinely or ordinarily judge what is good and what is bad with our human thoughts. That is with our self-centered imaginations. The problem with that self-centered approach is that there is no agreement as to what constitutes good or bad. For example, for a con artist a large and easily accessible supply of suckers and marks might constitute a good that they are grateful for.
In this case though we are instructed not to use human thought to make the distinction between bad and good and instead adopt the standpoint of the good. What then is the "standpoint of the good" that does not involve human thought? The answer to that question might not be as difficult as it might at first appear.
The standpoint of the good as it is used here is the point of view of the "mind like clear water", the standpoint of being single-hearted, one with the original consciousness that resides at the heart and core of our mind.
The second question that is raised concerns the fact that the original consciousness, the mind of our parent of origin supports and makes thrive both the bad and the good. Why is that?
It is because the mind of our original parent is indiscriminate in its free and unlimited workings and those free and unlimited workings support all that exists. The metaphor of a mirror comes to mind. If God's mind is the original conscious "mirror", then that mirror reflects whatever is presented to it without judgment. If things turn out badly it is not because of the "mirror" but because of what was held up to the "mirror".
If there is evil in the world it is the creation of the human self-centered imagination and our original parent will indiscriminately support its existence. Which is why the work of recreating the world of joyous life is up to us to complete by returning our mind to its manufacturer to be upgraded with the knowledge of its true origin and an understanding of the free and unlimited workings of our original parental mind.