
The performance and completion of the Service is central to the methodology of Tenrikyo "the Reason of Heaven". The Service or Work that is hastened has to do with the state of mind of the person who has decided to either do the work of settling their mind and replacing its foundation or declining the work and remaining as they are, relying on the foundation of their self centered imagination.

The "services" are not all the same as they need to be designed to be appropriate for the time, place and temperament or level of maturity of the person for whom any service is performed or taught. Ultimately, any service completed in true sincerity will result in the revelation of the true origin of the human mind.

The "service" or work of pondering the teachings contained in these poems is a service or work that is intended to intentionally reveal the true origin of the human mind, the original cause of all, the conscious mind of the parent of origin that exists eternally at the heart and core of all.

 There are also many other services that when completed in true sincerity will either intentionally or unintentionally return the same result.  Our original parental consciousness doesn't care how we return to be upgraded and repaired but only that we sincerely complete the service or work required to prepare the mind and make it acceptable for returning.

Since many of the poems are intended to introduce a foundation for a way of reasoning that is completely different than the common truths of the world that many of us routinely use to define our self-image, they may be somewhat shocking or even be seen as an attack on one's ideas of self that requires some sort of defensive action. If that is the case then pick a service that doesn't disturb your mind and sincerely complete that service.

These pages are intended to explore and help with the sincere completion of a service that promises a path of quick awakening to the true origin of the mind through the intentional deep pondering of the meaning of these poems, until the heart and core is exposed and the truth of origin known and understood.

I earnestly request each and everyone of you
to ponder deeply over these teachings.