Tenrikyo Ofudesaki - Point of View Of Someone Following the Path of
Single-Hearted Salvation
This talk is not someone else's concern. It is a matter
of your own and your single-heartedness with God.

Take this opportunity to determine to engage in the most intimate of human experiences. These talks are not about people living in 19th Century Japan, they are about the state of your
own mind right now. Right now be aware of the voice of your mind*. Look
at it. See where it rises up. Calmly settle it back into the original
conscious, warm parental heart. That is what all of this is about.
* I emphasize the "voice" of the imagination
in these pages because that is the way my self-centered imagination
mostly appears reflected in consciousness. There are also other ways
that imaginations appear in consciousness, for instance as images,
musical sounds and in some cases as colors. There are also minds in
which none of those appear.