Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki -Sure Guides: Any Such Interpretation is Not Wrong
We have to tread carefully on this portion of the path.
Since we "children" have never previously been taught the true origin of our
mind, our original parent takes responsibility for our lack of understanding
and our misplaced efforts.
Our ways of understanding the tireless efforts of our original parental mind can be categorized into three interpretations; that of a "child', which is naturally clueless and tends to misunderstanding, doubt and denial. The interpretation of a child is the default interpretation of all human self-centered imaginations in all times an places; at least so far that is. It is for that reason that in holding that interpretation we are said to be "not wrong".
In our response to the interpretation of our
loving parental mind, which is willing to do whatever it takes to recreate
the world as a world of joyous life for all equally, we can easily make
mistakes. These poems then are intended to address those mistakes and serve
as a sure guide for the sincere mind to quickly awaken to the truth of its