Tenrikyo Ofudesaki -My Intention In Offering these Reflections on the "Tip of the Writing Brush"

My intentions in creating these web pages are twofold. First I would like to fulfill my role as a "timber"* and I hope that these web sites can serve as a guide for anyone who would like to sincerely and deeply ponder the meaning of the poems of "The Tip of the Writing Brush" as they are translated and distributed for an English language audience.

Second: My own pondering of these Poems has gone a long way toward what I consider to be success in completing the work of distinguishing and separating original consciousness from the voice and images reflected within it as well as enjoying the peace of mind and satisfaction that flows from the ability to make that distinction. 

I earnestly request each and everyone of you
to ponder deeply over these poems.

Ponder from your innermost heart to understand.
Through saving others you will be saved.

* "Timber" is a metaphor for a person who wishes to be used in the reconstruction of a world of joyous life for all equally.

Table of Contents -  Section II