Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Sure Guides - A Model of Parental Love
different metaphors are employed to show it, what is called the "Model of
Parental Love" runs through and permeates all of the books of "The Tip of
The Writing Brush".
We are hastened to engage with that model in two different ways, both of which ultimately have the same intended outcome. Both ways of engagement begin with calming and identifying, being aware of our own thoughts, and then pondering deeply. Honestly comparing our mind with the mind of the parent as modeled in the Poems. Then in light of that honest comparison either making adjustments to our mind, our way of thinking, so that it comes into accord with the model of the original parental mind. Or, sincerely settling our thoughts, allowing our mind to settle like "clear water", returning and awakening to its original pristine condition, one with its original cause.
In the process of making comparisons it is easy for me to see the biases and truths of the world that I imagine occupy and motivate other minds but it is not so easy to identify the biases and motives at work within my own mind. For that reason, sincerely and honestly deciding to copy the Model of Parental Love provides a good starting point and replacement strategy.
Later on we will have much more to say about the sure method of "testing" our mind but for now it is sufficient to ponder the meaning of the words "clear" or "muddy".