Tenrikyo Ofudesaki - The Services - The Work-
successful performance and completion of any of the Services or Work as
hastened in this teaching primarily depends upon the sincerity of the
performer or worker.
Perhaps the first component of sincere performance of a Service is the priority that is attributed to the task. The timing that is recommended is to do it now; that is right now, without waiting another moment. Right now, distinguish between your thoughts and the consciousness that thoughts appear reflected in it.
The second component might be the intention that one has in doing the Service or work. Though any truly sincere intention will potentially lead to the completion of the Service and awakening, this teaching emphasizes the kind of work or Services that aim to reveal the true origin of the mind, the original cause of all things in detail.
A third component of the performance and completion of any of the Services or work might be described as the practice of replacing a purely imagined identity, our limited self-image or self-centered imagination with the enhanced and full version of a true human self-centered imagination that knows and understands its full and original identity by being one with the mind of God, the original conscious cause of all as it exists even now at the "heart" and "core" of our mind.
If poetically our self-centered imagination is the "Moon" and the conscious light it reflects the "Sun", then knowing the mind of God is the knowledge and understanding of the mind of "Moonsun". As we begin the work or Service perhaps poetically we are in the darkness of a new Moon where nothing is seen because the light is completely covered in dark shadow. As we progress we can gradually see by the light of the full Moon; in that case things can be clearly seen as it is clearly reflecting all of the light of its origin.