Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Sure Guides - Table of Contents IV4b - Lack of Understanding vs. Misunderstanding
two poems below are the basis of our lack of understanding of the true
origin of our mind. The explanation of why we don't know anything
about our original consciousness is because we have pretty much never
heard or thought about it before; it just isn't a part of our
ordinary education or acculturation process and for that reason it is
natural that we don't know anything about it.
The next two poems below are the basis for the distinction between the natural lack of understanding spoken of in the poems above and the misunderstanding that occupies the minds of those who have been taught but are unable to grasp the intention of what has been taught concerning the true original conscious origin of the human mind. As we progress with the Poems we will be repeatedly hastened to prepare our mind to awaken to the true and ever present origin of the mind by quickly calming and clearing away our naturally accumulated misconceptions, erroneous expectations and commonly imagined truths of our world.
Since the reader is viewing these reflections on a computer of some sort this process of preparing the mind to awaken can be likened to restarting and upgrading the extremely powerful but unintentionally malfunctioning self-centered imagination so that it can quickly return to the world and experience the joy of life that imagination is intended to deliver.