Tenrikyo Ofudesaki
Save Yourself By Saving Others-

At this place, I shall teach
Be single-hearted with God, and from your innermost heart.
Ponder from your innermost heart
to understand.
Through saving others, you will be saved.
As always these poems offer some very useful instructions and
opportunities for us to ponder and use to quickly awaken both our self
and others. Our efforts in this regard constitute copying the tireless
efforts of our original parent to employ all means appropriate for our
time place and level of maturity to help us quickly awaken to the
joy of living as was intended in the creation of human beings:
- We have already discussed that the "services" are not all the same
and as instruments we are hastened to employ "all means", just like our
original parent does, to help each
other to quickly awaken to the true origin of the mind. The first step
in this involves finding some appropriate way to calm down the mind -
this is what the services are intended to do - eventually settling
a mind to be "like clear water." As a matter of course it is difficult
to do this unless we practice doing it in our own mind.
- Once settled like "clear water", the mind can be
understood as having returned to being one with the original
consciousness that it appeared reflected within, the mind of God. We
call this being single-hearted with God but when it is understood from
the "innermost heart" it is known and understood as our original state of the mind
and not associated with any words, thoughts or concepts, common truths
of our world that we have accumulated on it.
- Pondering the implications of that original
state of mind then reveals the truth that the one saving and the one
being saved are in fact the same. In truth there is one conscious mind ,
called God by the self-centered imagination and God has one body,
called by us the universe. To know and understand this original truth
requires sincerely examining our own mind, identifying where it appears,
where it
rises up, originates from and what remains when it settles.
This universe is the body of God.
Ponder this in all matters.
At this time, as God is revealed,
I shall teach you any and all things.
So long as you remain unknowing that the body is
a thing borrowed, you can understand nothing at all.
Sure Guides: Section IVf