Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Sure Guides - Non-Discrimination

I do not discriminate among any of you everWe will encounter this again thematically as it is a very important aspect of the truth that is to be revealed. There are several instances of non-discrimination to be pondered and when taken together and understood as a whole they encompass the entire human experience, states of mind and mental condition (either "clear" or "muddy").

  Let's start with viewing this poem as declaring the non-discrimination of our original parental mind as it is concerned with access to this teaching. When pondered even a little bit it should be obvious that to be accessible to all human minds in all times, places and levels of spiritual maturity this teaching doesn't have any content  of the ordinary type that serves to divide our species into the very interesting and wide variety of cultural categories. Which of course is very difficult for us to understand because this path was opened in a particular time and place and made applicable for various levels of spiritual maturity. That said it is still the case that there is no real cultural content to the teaching. A metaphor comes to mind, we all see the same Moon and Sun.

Those cultural categories sit on foundations that are made up of common truths of the world.  Those worldly common truths of the world are not necessarily wrong; they serve as temporary truths for temporary purposes and were all taught by our original parental mind in the infancy of our species. As the next step in the maturity of our species we are however, hastened  to ponder deeply and understand that those ordinary truths of the world are functioning as a temporary obstacle to our awakening and as such need, at least temporarily, to be removed from our imagination so that the truth of our origin will be revealed.

Listen closely! I teach all things to everyone.
I do not discriminate among any of you ever. 

Section IVa Sure Guides