Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Sure Guides - Section IVb Doubted the Words of God
poem below is from Book I of the Tip of the
Writing Brush. My preference is for viewing each Book as a complete
teaching as opposed to chapters of a teaching that were written over a span
of thirteen years, a rather long time to wait for a conclusion but I can
live with either view.
What is, I imagine, important is that the poem below is addressed to Miki Nakayama's son, Shuji. Decades had passed since Miki awakened and over that time Shuji continued to be in close proximity to his mother. This situation could then be described as saying that over that long period of time there was nothing about Miki's behavior that met Shuji's expectations of a living Goddess. Indeed from his point of view what his mother was saying and doing was, to him, false because her words and actions didn't meet his worldly common expectations of what a god or goddess should be able to do. Recall that the model story portrays common village expectations that included ritual magic, incantations, curses, marvels, exorcisms and miracles. Not seeing any of that going on at home and because his imagined expectations which were based on the common truths of his world had not been met, it was natural that his response was then an example of a clear cut misunderstanding of his mother's identity and intention. Meanwhile, his mother worked tirelessly to craft "services" so that he and everyone else could calm their minds, ponder deeply, reveal and understand the true origin of their mind as the salvation of all kinds and in every matter.
Bringing the model forward into our own time and place we can check our progress in completing the service, that is the work of settling our imaginations and perhaps discover in our own mind the understandable reasons for clinging to worldly common expectations and joyously and in high spirits be glad of the discovery and sweep them away.
Since the state of our mind becomes the state of our world, revealing and affirming the truth of the original parental mind in all matters, as it exists at the heart and core of our self-centered imagination, is the way to escape from the expectations and fears of the past and savor the free and unlimited workings of the mind of the original parent mind. If you are not already doing so please begin doing that now. Try it, you'll like it.