Tenrikyo Ofudesaki - Testing the State of My Mind-
By now we all know that the performance of the "Service" has to do with the work of calming and settling our mind so that its conscious origin is revealed; shining forth as single-hearted salvation of all kinds. This "great test" then has to do with the state of my mind at any given moment and in particular with my sincere effort put forth in identifying and determining the idea that is at the "root" of the deeply understood relationship between my self-centered imagination, who I think I am as a body separate from all else in the universe", as distinguished from the original consciousness that those ideas are reflected in; in brief, the original truth of self.
This may sound odd and unfamiliar because indeed it is. Throughout the teaching we are often reminded that what is taught should not be understood in any of our common, ordinary ways; nor should our understanding be based on any of the common worldly truths that have occupied human imaginations all over the world and through all ages. In short we are instructed to turn our attention inward and bring nothing but sincerity to the work of completing the work or "Service" that provides the way to quickly awaken to the knowledge and understanding of the true conscious origin of our mind.
This path or way of instruction then can be easily summarized as taking a moment to be aware of the distinction between our conscious mind as it naturally is as opposed to our mind as it entertains and is informed by ideas and truths about the world. Poetically we are told to come to understand this test of our mind by the metaphors "clear" and "muddy". The clear mind, "the mind like clear water", being the desired goal.
Having pondered deeply and having tested and embraced the truth that the state of my mind becomes the state and truth of my world and having recognized that the state of my mind determines whether or not I am living a life or joy, it then falls to me to test how well I am doing in settling the original conscious truth of self as understood in all matters. Understanding and understood means that I no longer have to bring the test to mind in every matter as it is has become fundamental and unstated.
It was while pondering how the universe could be a single conscious being that conscious awareness first dawned for me but it did not last long and my self-centered imagination came back to center stage. It was at that point that I came across the Ofudesaki poems and immediately wanted to learn the Service that would help me satisfy my yearning to return again to that original state of mind. That was well over forty years ago and I can honestly say that what has been promised has been delivered I can distinguish between my mind when it is clear and when it is muddy. The muddy stuff has to do with conditioned truths of the world that continue to pop up unannounced and unwanted. The good news for me is that since I can make the distinction between the original and the imaginary I am not moved to act on imagined truths as if they were absolutely true and can select those temporary truths that are good for everybody equally and for the living world in general.
This of course is risky as entering into the "muddy water", even with the intention of making it "clear water" can be an opportunity for getting lost in the darkness of it. For that reason I sweep and filter my mind daily and I give my self-centered imagination neutral thoughts to repeat repetitively and hold on to. Currently the biggest challenge is to stay settled while driving. Fortunately, I find lots of opportunities to remember to quickly return to the origin and enjoy life.
Speaking of remembering, there is an episode in "the Life Of Oyasama, Manuscript Edition" that speaks of Miki considering drowning herself in the water tank, a Shinto Shrine that has since been relocated, that used to be within a stones throw of her house. On that occasion we are told that Her original parental mind informed her self-centered imagination to not be rash in her behavior and that just that recollection of Her original self was enough for her to snap out of it and see things clearly. This is both encouraging for our own efforts and a model necessary for a complete understanding of the way in which our original parental consciousness reflects and is totally aware of our human condition and how quickly it can be changed from "muddy" to "clear"; if only we remember or are encouraged to wake up and remember the truth of our original self.
In taking stock of the state of my own mind then I can use this model story to compare the state of my mind with the state of Miki's mind. When I ponder the story it is obvious that Miki's ordinary self-centered imagination rose up to get her in trouble but since She was able to recall the truth of Her original self she was saved from making a mistake.
In brief then: Miki's self-centered imagination operating within the limited view of its reflected light was causing her to suffer but when illuminated and informed by recalling the truth of Her original eternal identity was saved. Poetically one's reflected self-centered light is the "Moon" and the original source of that light which gives life and light to all equally is the "Sun". We can say then that knowing our total identity can be called knowing and understanding the mind of "Moonsun".
The model shows me that a self-centered imagination is meant to exist and to play joyously in the world. The problem is whether or not my self-centered imagination knows, understands and is informed by original conscious mind of "Moonsun", the truth of everything in detail. It is the knowledge and recollection of this total truth of self that is the single-hearted salvation and the cure for all of the unintended suffering that is tormenting our human self-centered imaginations.