Tenrikyo Ofudesaki - Original Cause "moto no innen"-

Sure Guides for Spiritual AwakeningThis promise refers to the actual original cause of all things as opposed the kinds of speculative ideas that human imaginations have entertained over the history of our species.

The original cause of all things is not an idea, it is the single unbroken consciousness that "resides" at the "root", "core", "heart" of every human self-centered imagination and of everything else as well.

The knowledge and understanding of the original cause of all is given to the human mind that sincerely shifts attention from the world and looks deeply in on itself, is totally swept clean and is settled "like clear water".

It is the truth that is here now. Return now and settle that knowledge and understanding as the foundation for the creation of a new joyous life for all equally. Now is the beginning.


If you wish to know and will come to me,
I shall teach you the original cause of all things.