Tenrikyo Ofudesaki - The Residence Metaphor -
common understanding of the word "residence" is that it refers to a
habitation or structure such as a house, quarters or a lodging. When
properly understood as a poetic metaphor it refers to the fact that the
original mind of God, the original cause of any and everything, resides at
the "heart", "root" or "core" of everything that appears as the universe. In
these Poems the emphasis is on the human form as a "Residence" of the
mind of God, the original cause of everything that appears.
In these poems "Residence" is intended to be understood as all human bodies existing as a factual residence of the mind of God but also specifically the body of Miki Nakayama as hosting an awakened awareness of that truth; as such She is able to be a sure guide for others who would like to know how to awaken just as She had.
This use of "residence" as a metaphor for an abode of God isn't new or unique to the Tenrikyo Teaching. What is different in the teaching that is the "Reason of Heaven" is the strong assertion that the truth that the metaphor is meant to point to can be quickly tested and proven. That proof is obtained by turning off our self-centered imagination just long enough to awaken and be aware of the origin of our imagination, the original consciousness that it rises up and appears reflected within.
In order to purposely do that it is necessary to first identify one's own self centered imagination. Once identified, quickly and sincerely hold onto looking at it. Holding the imagination in awareness settles it; what remains then is the original consciousness that gives rise to it. Be that original consciousness for as long as you can. Savor the implications of that point of view as opposed to worldly common point of view of the self-centered imagination.
We will see this theme developed in a variety of ways as we explore the metaphoric themes employed in the poems later on in Section V.