Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Reveal The Mind's Core -

Awakening as if from a dreamThe metaphor "Core" as it appears in the Poems is now clearly defined as referring to the foundation of the mind as opposed to the shallow self-centered imagination. By extension then the purpose of the work or service of calming and clearing the mind is the completion of the essential step for revealing the  mind's core"; also metaphorically referred to throughout the Poems as "heart", "root", "origin", "Nihon","Parent","stand to receive heavenly dew", "Pillar","God" and "original cause" to name several examples meant to indicate, in a variety of ways suitable for the time, place and level of maturity of the reader, the same single truth that we all are invited to expose, merge with, return to, know and understand the truth of everything, the mind of Moonsun as it can be understood through single-heartedness, "Kami Ichijoo", one with the original conscious one. 

I have listed the metaphors for the names of the original consciousness that illuminates and supports all that exists to bring to mind that the "step by step" (dan dan to) that appears in several poems can, in many cases, also be read as being "in a number or variety of ways".

The "core of the mind" that is spoken of is of course here and now. Please take a moment and be aware of it. It is remarkable isn't it.

Now at last, I shall reveal the mind's core step by step.
Take notice!

But what path will be seen tomorrow?
The core or your mind will become apparent.
Single heatedness with the Original Consciousness