Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Common Worldly Ways -
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think deeply about this:
What is it about our ordinary way of reasoning that makes it impossible for our original parent to clearly teach us about the truth of origin, the true origin of our mind?
I suggest that our usual way of accumulating new knowledge depends upon adding to knowledge of the world that we already have in place. In that way expect to gradually build up a foundation for a better understanding of our world.
On the contrary, the way of knowing and understanding the truth of our origin, the true origin of our mind, depends upon removing all the common knowledge, understandings and truths of the world that we have accumulated so that the truth of their origin is exposed and in that way revealed to be known and understood as the true foundation of all knowlege of both self and the world.
Take a moment and be aware of the objections that the self-centered imagination immediately throws up in defense of itself and the common fundamental truths of the world that it relies upon for maintaining imagined identity. In general those defenses take the shape of doubts and denials but none of them involve taking the time, it only takes a moment, to test the uncommon approach to fundamental knowledge and understanding that is the point of view of the "mind like clear water", or the point of view of a human mind wherein, at least for a moment, thought is completely settled or cleared away, revealing the pure fundamental consciousness that remains as its true origin.
That original consciousness, the mind of a three year old child, is the same for all human beings in all times and places; it is high spirited and joyous by nature and has no cultural, historical or intellectual baggage attached to it, though as has been shown it can be buried and depressed by those kinds of common worldly truths of the world.