Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - As if in a Haze -
is, I think, an actual description of what I consider to be the problem of
my constantly running shallow self-centered imagination. I will
attempt an explanation:
My mind's voice runs constantly and shifts from topic to topic by making previously stored associations. Simply put it talks to itself about itself and what it likes and dislikes.
That preoccupation with an internal dialogue is superimposed over both "my body" and my perceptions of the world. It is that superimposed dialogue that is the "haze" that I often find myself lost within.
No two "hazes" are exactly the same and for that reason we often find it difficult to understand each other and in many cases because of their constantly changing perceptions, fears and desires, we even find it difficult to understand our self.
Fortunately, there is a way out of being lost in that "haze" without any sure guide to show us the way out.
The "haze" that is produced by the unchecked self-centered imagination is said to be shallow because it arises out of and appears within a deeper original consciousness; the Original One that hears the voice and images of the self-centered imagination. The way out then is to go deeper and abide as that One original consciousness as it recreates a self-centered imagination that knows the truth of its origin: returning it awakened to play with perception of a new world of joyous life for all equally.
Since all "hazes" (self-centered imaginations) are different the means of returning them to their origin are also different. One way that is strongly promoted by these poems, is by intentionally working (service) at settling the self-centered imagination through deep self-reflection and resolve (true sincerity). Since it is not apparent how to go about doing that the poems offer many different topics as guides to be pondered deeply.
A very nice aspect of this work (service) is that it is designed to be completed quickly and with that in mind we can look forward to the kinds of dramatic changes in our perception of life that maturity implies. Of course there are plenty of opportunities to remain lost in the "haze" but the sure guide is always there and will immediately respond to our sincere effort to return and awaken.