Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Calm Your Mind and Seek the Core -
poem below contains one of the clearest and most direct instructions for
anyone who would wish to complete the service of pondering deeply to expose
and reveal the true origin of the mind and of any and everything in detail.
Some topics to ponder:
The human self-centered imagination is of the same nature, a child, of the original conscious mind of God. A very nice lineage indeed.
To "lean on God" means to identify and abide as one with the original conscious mind that exists at the "core", of the human self-centered imagination. It is 'kami ichijo" or "single-hearted" .
Quickly make preparations refers to the constant hastening that underlies all of the instruction in the poems. We are either quickly, as a first priority, working on returning our mind to its original condition or we are taking our time and doing something else.
Going out into the open refers to playing joyously in the world from the revealed, known and understood foundation of a self-centered imagination that has returned to its original condition and as a result knows and understands the truth of its origin and the free and unlimited workings that flow from that one true origin as it exits eternally at the "core" of all human minds equally.