Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki  - Sure Guides - Table of Contents IV4b - No one Listens with a Purified Mind

Lack of Understanding vs. MisunderstandingThe purified mind should not be confused with the puritanical mind. The puritanical mind set is dedicated to a set of ideas, moral, ethical and ancient truths of the world taught to us in our past. The purified mind as hastened in this teaching is the "mind like clear water". It is the original parental mind that exists prior to any ideas rising up and being formed in it. It is the mind of a "three year old child". It is the mind of high spirited joy playing in the world.

As the purified mind is one with the original parental mind it is the conscious origin of everything. No one has ever known anything without consciousness. It is always present only the functioning of the instruments changes. Rising as they do from the origin and resolving back into it when their work is done. Take a moment and be aware of being conscious see how the imagination rises up and is superimposed over your original self. It is very cool, is it not?

There is nothing that I cannot teach,
but there is no one who listens with a purified mind.
If you quickly purify your mind and listen,
I shall give you all of my teachings on everything.

Table of Contents IVb