Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - All Are of the Original Causality
ponder: All human self centered imaginations rise up and appear
reflected in the original consciousness, the mind of God. Identify your
own mental voice now and see where and how it rises up and appears.
All human self centered imaginations share the same original consciousness. Though there are a multitude of self-centered imaginations, there is only one consciousness in the universe and we all are equally creations - "children" - of it.
There is one true and original conscious mind illuminating one body, called by us the world and now the universe.
The scope of the reason of heaven is concerned with any and everything and is not bound by the limitations of time, space and "common truths of the world" created in human imaginations.
Returning to, knowing and understanding the original causality refers to the state of one's mind. Either the origin has been identified in the totally purified "mind like clear water" or it hasn't.
The purpose of the sincere performance of any of the "Services" is to prepare the mind to settle and awaken to this original cause as it is here now and always has been; though obscured by the fascinating wonder that is the human self-centered imagination.
Once identified and known this deserves to be poetically described as returning to the Origin and knowing the mind of "Moonsun" - The One Light and its beautiful constantly changing reflection- .