Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Unless this dust is completely swept away
are not the first people to try to awaken to the truth of our origin.
Although the work or services involves making a simple single step back into
the already present origin of our mind; due to the fascination and
attachment that we have with our self-centered thinking centered on a body,
we in fact find it to be a very tricky proposition and difficult, some say
impossible, to do.
A close examination of these poems shows the sincere effort made by the first people to be exposed to this teaching to make it fit into their self-centered expectations and the already existing truths of their world. They and perhaps we want to change while fundamentally staying the same. Unfortunately the true conscious origin of our mind is fundamentally different from the ideas, truths and thoughts that rise up and are reflected in it. The poem below makes it clear that the completion of the service will only be accomplished by completely sweeping away the self-centered thinking and common truths of the world that are obscuring the one true original heart of all that exists as it resides even now at the conscious core of our mind.
Completely swept away is another way of saying that we are to replace the unstable and shallow foundation of our self-centered thinking with the deeper and secure foundation that is the original consciousness heart, root and core that is already present and the cause of all that appears. This replacement is not and should not be seen as frightening or a loss as it is in fact an upgrade to our limited self-centered thinking bound as it is in time and space to a body; making it even more powerful but without the regrettable reasoning that leads to bottomless greed.
Not only will our continued shallow self centered thinking keep us from the single-hearted salvation that returning to being one with God's mind, which is of course the point of view of the mind like clear water, but to the regret of our original parent our sincere efforts at holding onto misunderstanding may end up actually working against Her.