Tenrikyo-Ofudesaki - Checking My Vocabulary - True-Truth
"True /Truth" - "Conformable to fact; correct; not erroneous, inaccurate or
the like, agrees with reality, not false." There are common worldly truths that
are limited to specific belief systems in various times and places and there
are truths that are only understood in a single self-centered imagination.
Among the common truths of the world are also those that may or may not be
understood to be temporary truths for temporary purposes. For instance my
childhood education was very weak in science but relatively strong in Aristotle
and Scholasticism; both of which have since been overturned by the critical
scientific revolutions that have taken place over the last few hundred years
and which, at least to my satisfaction, have now been informed by the one truth that is the knowledge and understanding of
the true origin of my self-centered imagination as it can be known and
understood through my own mind.